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Ionia Township
Organized in 1835, Ionia Township was originally synonymous with Ionia County. Samuel Dexter, Alfred Cornell, and W.B. Lincoln were present at the very first township meeting in 1835, held at the house of Antoine Campau & Co.
Two years later, after the organization of Kent County, Ionia County was given a separate political identity and divided into two townships: Ionia and Maple.
Over the next 30 years, Ionia Township was further subdivided into the cities, villages, and townships that exist presently. By 1867, the township was six miles square as are the other townships in Ionia County.
The first township meeting held under the new organization was hosted by Samuel Dexter. Also present were Cyrus Lovell, Thomas Cornell, and John E. Morrison. Elections were held for school inspectors, overseers of highways and fence-viewers. Township officials were also elected to the positions of Supervisor, Clerk, Justices of the Peace, School Commissioners, Directors of the Poor, Assessors, Collector, and Constables.
Ionia Township was also home to the Ionia Sandstone Quarry, from which a very unique variegated sandstone was quarried. There are many buildings locally as well as distant that were adorned with this beautiful stone. Sadly, the supply of sandstone has been depleted, but it is still possible to see the examples of it on a visit to the area.
Today, the Board still works to manage the township for the benefit of citizens. The board is now comprised of a Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, two Trustees, and Cemetery Sexton. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Township Hall which is located at 1042 W. Washington in Ionia.