Ionia Township Regular Board Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2023
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kurt Scheurer
Members present: Scheurer, Lynn, Harp, McCoy, and Pitchford
Minutes approved as printed
Treasurer’s report approved as printed
Motion to pay bills on hand passed.
Motion to reject PA 425 Agreement passed.
Motion to purchase new gear and equipment for Ionia Public Safety passed.
Motion to pay remaining balance of tanker truck for Ionia Public Safety passed.
Ionia Public Safety report read as printed.
Assessor’s Report read as printed.
Motion to renew the assessor’s contract passed.
Motion to readopt Ordinance 3-22 Hunting Prohibition Ordinance. Motion passed.
Motion to increase the budget for election workers and payroll processing expenses passed.
Motion to hold the 2023 Budget Meeting at 6:00 pm on March 14, 2023 passed.
Motion to adjourn the meeting passed.
Additional information available upon request.
Sheri Lynn
Ionia Township Clerk
February Meeting Minutes