Ionia Township
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
JuLY 5, 2023
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kurt Scheurer
Members present: Scheurer, Lynn, Harp, McCoy, and Pitchford
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes accepted as printed.
Treasurer’s report accepted as printed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Pitchford to pay this month’s bills on hand. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Larry Goodman brought up concerns regarding Welch Road (corner of Welch and
Stone). Scheurer will discuss it with the Ionia County Road Department.
Ionia Public Safety Report was presented by Officer Tietsma.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Pitchford to change the August meeting to Thursday, August
10, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to approve election workers: Macky Waters, Madi Lynn,
Cindy Masengale, Ella Cusack, Jody Garrison and Kyle Parks. Motion passed.
Ionia Township Public Accuracy Test will be held July 18, 2023 at 1:00 pm
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Sheri Lynn
Ionia Township Clerk
July Meeting Minutes