Ionia Township Regular Board Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2024
Meeting called to order by Supervisor, Kurt Scheurer
Members present: Scheurer, Lynn, Harp, Pitchford, McCoy
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Lynn to pay bills on hand. Motion passed.
Motion by Pitchford and supported by Harp to accept the Gradall Agreement. Motion passed.
Motion by Harp and supported by Pitchford to accept the Brine Agreement. Motion passed.
Motion by Harp and supported by Pitchford to accept the Gravel Agreement. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to accept the re-gravel bid for Vohlers and Oak
Street. Motion passed.
Motion by Harp and supported by Pitchford to accept the bid for Gravel/Culvert work on Welch
Rd. Motion passed. Lynn abstained.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Lynn to increase the Accounting fees budget from $1,000
to $3,720. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Lynn to increase the Cemetery Other Costs budget from
$85,000 to $88,145. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to increase the Hall Expenses budget from $5,500
to $6,350. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to increase Insurance budget from $10,000 to
$10,118. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to increase Office Supplies budget from $5,000 to
$10,074. Motion passed.
Motion by Pitchford and supported by Lynn to increase Printing & Publishings budget from
$3,000 to $3,870. Motion passed.
Motion by Pitchford and supported by Lynn to increase Deputy Clerk budget from $500 to
$1,095. Motion passed.
Motion by McCoy and supported by Lynn to increase Street LIght budget from $10,000 to
$10,067. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to approve the 2024 – 2025 Proposed Budget.
Motion passed.
2024 – 2025 Meeting Dates: April 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October
8, November 12, December 10, January 14, February 11, March 11 at 7:00pm.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Lynn to adjourn the meeting passed.
Additional information available upon request.
Sheri Lynn
Ionia Township Clerk
March Meeting Minutes