Ionia Township Regular Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2024
Meeting called to order by Supervisor, Kurt Scheurer
Members present: Scheurer, Lynn, Harp, Pitchford, McCoy
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to pay bills on hand. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Pitchford to accept the estimate from Central Michigan
Building Services for $860 to repair the entrance ramp. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Pitchford to accept the estimate from Jablonski & Sons
for $3,138 to mow roadsides. Motion passed.
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to purchase a new election computer. Motion
Motion by Scheurer and supported by Harp to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Additional information available upon request.
Sheri Lynn
Ionia Township Clerk
May Meeting Minutes